Moxa - Healing by heat

Moxibustion is suitable for treatments of all pathologies dominated by cold and humidity, whether they have penetrated from the outside or present inside our body. Moxibustion is also useful in chronic pathologies and in pathologies characterized by strong energy and blood stasis; it serves to tone Lo Yang to oppose and expel pathogenic energies while maintaining Health. In 2010 it was declared, together with acupuncture, a cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO and inserted among the oral and intangible heritages of humanity.

Lymphatic drainage with Vodder method

Manual lymphatic massage or DLM is that set of manual techniques used to facilitate the flow of excess fluids, which the lymph collects and purifies as it passes through the lymph nodes, before returning to the blood. The massage promotes the passage of all the residues present in the tissues into the lymphatic capillaries. It eliminates the stagnation of the lymphatic circulation, stimulates the escape from the lymph nodes of the immune cells (which, passing through the blood, increase the defense capacity of the whole organism against infections of any type).

TuiNa - Taoist massage

he traditional denomination of Chinese massage derives from the name of TUI (push) NA (grasp) techniques. This specification defines the relevance to the traditional principles of the different manipulations. Reference is made to the thousand-year-old tradition of classical Chinese medicine in all its complexity, variety and even contradiction.

Tuina massage - The Taoist massage

"... if the patient and the doctor are in resonance, the disease cannot last long" ( SU WEN chap 14)

The concept of resonance is the main axis of the micro and macrocosm relationship and evokes the Yin and Lo Yang therefore the relationship is a symbol that makes both more conscious and allows you to welcome and understand something more about yourself and become aware of your state energetic By connecting the body to blocked emotions and perceptions to allow the profound acceptance of one's own nature and personal potential.

The traditional denomination of Chinese massage derives from the name of TUI (push) NA (grasp) techniques. This specification defines the relevance to the traditional principles of the different manipulations. Reference is made to the thousand-year-old tradition of classical Chinese medicine in all its complexity, variety and even contradiction.

Gianluigi Flauret is also a certified instructor at the ITM - International Training Massage School, Level 5.

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Massages - Lymphatic drainage - Physiotherapy - Stretching

...for your psycho-physical well-being entrusted to a professional

In today's life you have to choose well who to trust, especially if we talk about psycho-physical well-being. In the case of physiotherapy massages, a doctor must be chosen.